Female Rejuvenation 

Have you been experiencing decreased sexual response, urinary incontinence, or poor vaginal sensitivity? Are you one of the 77% of women experiencing low sexual desire or one of the 50% of women who complain of vaginal sensation loss? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is now a solution: the O-Shot.

The O-Shot is a simple (less than 20-minutes), non-surgical procedure where platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) from your own blood is extracted and then injected into the vaginal area near the clitoris and upper vagina. Once injected, the platelet-rich-plasma releases growth elements that activate, regenerate, and rejuvenate the stagnant stem cells in the vaginal and clitoral tissue to improve functions and increase sexual response. There is absolutely no recovery time and results are almost immediate in some women. Many women decide to receive this treatment to enhance their intimate life after many years of marriage, or to simply get a jump start on preventing the lack of desire and to improve orgasmic function. In addition, the O-Shot can be a life changer when it comes to post-baby stages and pre-menopause.